Château Rives-Blanques is a 22 ha family-run estate near Limoux, surrounded by woodland in the foothills of the Pyrenees. Seriously committed to environmentally sustainable wine growing, we make our wines and manage our lands with ecological integrity, full of respect for nature and for this unique terroir that is our home.
The vineyard is nearing the end of the process of returning back to official organic accreditation.
Wild flowers, clover or cereals grow between the vines; vine cuttings and composted grape pips and skins are ploughed back into the soil, and we never use hard chemicals or fertilizers. Aided and abetted by the use of harmless pheromones to replace insecticide sprays, we rely on a happy combination of altitude and prevailing brisk, dry winds to keep unwanted pests at bay, in the most natural way possible. Enthusiastic participants of the European environmental programme BioDiVine, we continue researching the relationship between viticulture and biodiversity, and have been close working partners 0f the Chamber of Agriculture for decades.